Monday, October 28, 2013


It has been a while and for that I apologize.
Earlier in the year I wanted to have a schedule for this, but life took the best out of me.  Now that things have settled down (for the most part), I can share with you guys how my year has been so far!   I won't string this out too much, but there is definitely a ton of changes going on.

Around the time I stopped blogging, I was working at a cupcake shop & it was a horrible experience.

  1. The lady was never there, she didn't even train me/intern me. 
  2. The cupcakes were amazing, but no service hardly.  Would open the store at 11am or noon, and things would pick up in 5 minute spurts then die down again for hours. 
  3.  I would usually just barter people because if we didn't sell  out then she would make less for the next day, and resell the ones that weren't sold.  If we did sell out, people would flood the place & I would have to tell them sorry.  She would not bring in more.
  4. She didn't have a business license, no property inspection, was not registered with the Department of Agriculture (because if it's just cupcakes they aren't administered by the FDA)
  5. When I told her that I had a job opening for a legit company, she got mad at me and told me that she was going to close the store for the day because she didn't have anyone else.  Now, she didn't pay me.  I got paid in tips, which was my husband's idea in the first place.  If we were lucky we would make $20, but that was only on Saturdays.  She would usually do this if I couldn't come in.
After I cut ties with the cupcake shop, the job interview that I went in for looked promising.  The company was called Teavana.  They sell high quality loose leaf tea and cast iron teapots.  It was a great place to work for.  The only downside was the sales process, and if you didn't make your sales goals, they could fire you for that.  I had worked there for 3 months, and because I didn't have a license I had to put my two weeks in.  They put me on rehire, which means I am on good terms with the company.   The reason was because my husband got his old job back. 

And now we're here.  Lots of exciting things are still to happen this year.  It's going to be turning 21 in Decmember, and my biological mother is taking me to Biltmore for my birthday weekend.  I will be making a blog post about that.  Then, next year I am saving up for an "internship" in Menorca, Spain (where my ancestors are from) as well as Rome & Pompei for an archaelogical excavation.  I am wanting to go to school for baking & pastry arts, but it's always been a crazy dream of mine to be an Archaelogist and to travel the world to learn it's rich culture & history.  So if my bakery doesn't work out, that's my plan.  After that, I am going to go to Burning Man for the first time.  I only know a little about it, but I have till next year to study up on it.  
My handfasting is still being planned as well.  We still have the date set for the 15th of September in 2015, but after our honeymoon that we never had...we'll be moving!  It's time for a change of scenery and culture.  It has been thought out thoroughly, and we feel like we can thrive where we'll be moving.  I will not disclose the location as of now, but it will come out in due time.

As far as the future for this blog, I would like to update it with some more witchy experiences and knowledge, recipes & crafts, vlogs, artwork & news about my Bakery.  If I am up to putting something else, then by golly it will be written about.  That is all I have for now.

Blessed be )O(