Monday, January 6, 2014


Sitting in my living room, staring outside at the very foggy and overcast morning, my concentration is broken by my 2 year old tabby cat Pazuzu chirping at my 1 year old Siamese main-coon mix kitten Emily.  She is on the table watching the birds fly by.  I am thinking to myself, what is going on with Pazuzu this morning?  She is always very chirpy and talkative, but it is almost like I am understanding a cat conversation.  I am a human, keep this in mind.
This brightened up my morning, and I am sharing this on my blog in the hopes that it will make your day as well.

Well, it's 2014 guys!  And I am writing my Happy new years post about a week late, like other posts on here.  I honestly believe by writing little tidbits from my day that it will get me in a blogging mood to do bigger mass posts like I usually do.  Thing is, they are intimidating me and stressing my nerves way more than I would like it to.  So, that is my plan.  Of course there will be posts about certain things, but I will take inspiration from my favorite blogger Terri Windling.  She writes every morning, and reading her entries makes me more inspired.
Speaking of inspiration, I will be starting a spring garden this year!  There will be a plentiful amount of vegetables, fruits, and herbs!  The herb garden will be a witchy garden, and most of the herbs & plants will be used for medicinal and holistic purposes.  This is going to be a great year guys.

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