Saturday, July 14, 2012


  I really have no clue how to start this off. I am in no mindset to even write a blog post. I am not inspired, I have been doing nothing of the sorts, and trying to customize this blog has been draining nonetheless.  I'm sure I could just write about what all I am going to put here for the remainder of F&A's shelf life.  I actually have a list of things to write about, but it seems like I'm procrastinating.
  I've also got a lot going on personally.  Ever since my mother passed away (2 years ago), I have been like a zombie ever since.  I was not living, more so existing.  But now, I have gotten the courage to do something.  Time is ticking away, the days are getting shorter and it felt like yesterday that it was the new year.  So that definitely says something, huh?  Anyways, I am wanting to go back to school, I am now putting my spirituality first, in a way.  I found a new group of friends who accept and love me for who I actually am.  I also cut communication with my sister, and started back communication with a few other family members.  I've grown so much closer with the ones who have been there all along.  I've just been blinded like a deer.  It's pretty sad. As well as gotten engaged to a wonderful troll of a man who loves me for who I am.  He is the only reason I get up in the morning (kicking and screaming so to say ;D ), and I couldn't live without him.  Ups and downs, sideways to sideways, he loves me unconditionally.
  But like I said, here is a list.  If you would like to recommend a few other ideas, please feel free to do so in the comments.  Or just send me a message on the forum (you know who you are).

- Chaoism : Satanism's twin, or the next Wicca?
- Summary of Path
- The 1st & last time was 4 years ago : The reason why I say Fuck you
- Personal-ity : The things that make me go LOL
- The Crescent Cafe

  So far that's all I have.  Pretty good for a post that was probably going to go nowhere, but didn't.

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