Monday, February 11, 2013

Local Local Local!

It's time again for another blog post (This one will probably include less pictures than my other blog entries, mostly because I have a lot to say about this topic). I'm pretty nauseous for some reason, and writing is preoccupying me for the moment. Which is good.

Ostara is just around the corner. If you don't know what Ostara is, I will inform you. Ostara is a Pagan sabbat & holiday, which falls on the 21st of March. It is the Spring equinox, also known as Vernal. In the Southern hemisphere, the day falls upon the Autumnal Equinox (Mabon). Which means a fresh start will be upon all of us. You can also celebrate it on the full moon following the Spring Equinox. Either way, it really doesn't matter. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess named Eostre (roughly translated, Easter <.< ). In wicca, Ostara is a time of fertility. The symbols most commonly known today, the egg and the rabbit, date back to this time. I will link a couple of articles at the end if you want to read further.

With Springtime being just around the corner, gardening can finally become an everyday thing!  It's so exciting seeing nature coming out of the darkness :)).  Which means that The local Farmers Market will have tons in stock.  I've never been to one, and I thought since I'm transitioning into Veganism, what better way to do it than to eat local!  On top of that, eating local is also a way to eat fresher, and it's less likely to be GMO (Don't quote me on that just yet, still doing the research to see if they really do or not.  Going to ask when I go).   It's also cheaper to eat Organically that way, because most of the expensive products are processed and in the Grocery stores.  I'm still going to purchase Organic from these places, just not as much.
So, in an effort to actually try, I found a website that can help you out no matter where you live.  It's called Local Harvest.  They have a ton of options, I can't wait to go to every place and review them.  Hell, I might even interview them once I get acquainted better.   A little side note, my husband had to pry me away from the computer.  I just couldn't stop researching this stuff.  I told my friend Jenna that it has been a little obsession lately, but a good one at that.
Anyways, Check it out!
Blessed be,


E A T I N G    L O C A L

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