Thursday, February 7, 2013


I keep forgetting to blog right when I should, and I'm always one day late or early.  Ugh.
So the topic for today kiddos, is MODELING!! I really don't know how to blog about it, since it's more of a career path than hobby.  So I decided to find a survey that can help explain it way better than I.
1)  What is your model name?  - Went from Miss Leah J  to Leah J & now Leah F ... I might just drop the initial and keep Leah, or use my middle name "Ashe".
2)  How tall are you?  -I am 5'6 1/2
3) What's your measurements?  - It changes everyday.  I'm super skinny, and slowly gaining weight.  This is actually a good thing :)
4)  How did you start modeling?  - Told my very awesome photographer friend that I was interested in pursuing it one day.  My then boyfriend (now husband ;D) and her planned a photo shoot for my 19th birthday, and now the rest is history.
5)  What are the names of the most recent jobs you've done? - Only one job that I'm not sure if I can give details for atm, but it was for a hair styling awards.  The rest are just portfolio builders.
6) Is modeling a career or a hobby for you? - It is definitely turning into a career, but since jobs are so dry where I'm at, I've had to keep it as a hobby for now.

7)  Have you ever done nude modeling? -  No I have not.
8)  If not, why not? - Because I am not in that mindset, nor do I think I will ever be.  I would love to show off skin, but not for the wrong reasons.
9)  How does your family feel about you modeling? - They accept it, actually. Very supportive of me :)
10)  Where do you see yourself 10 years from now in your modeling career?  - I see myself helping others, as well as being an international model.  The US is awesome, but soon enough I would like to get out and see the world.
11)  Rate your body from 1 to 10, 1 being the ugliest and 10 being the hottest? -  Meh, I would say an 8.   In the editorial fashion world, I would be a perfect 10.  I have an odd face, and very skinny.
12)  Would you ever consider yourself as a groupie? - Nope.

13)  How far would you go to be the main girl in a video?  -  I know I do not have the curves for such, so it is perfectly okay for someone else with a better physique to step in.
14)  In a relationship, how does your man/woman feel about you modeling? - He supports me 100% !!!
15)  Have you ever been stalked by a fan?  Haha, no I have not.
16)  If so, how far did it go? -  n/a
17)  Have you ever had haters? -Not really.  I make sure to not.
18)  How do you respond to your haters?  - If I had haters, I would laugh.
19)  Do you model part time or full time?  - Currently part time.
20)  How many of your closest friends are models as well? - My photographer friend (who also helped me get my foot in the door)  used to model.   Other than that, not many of my friends model.
21)  Have you ever done a shoot together? - I have asked her to, she is just so busy wedding planning (FUTURE BLOG ALERT)
22)  Describe your worst photo shoot experience? - None so far :)
23)  Do you ever get harassed at photo shoots or video shoots? - Nope.
24)  Are you a well known model, or are you still making a name for yourself? - Still making a name for myself.  Hell, I haven't even been doing it for a while.
26)  How many times do you change your hair in a photo shoot?  - Hair cut, quite a few times.  During the shoot, never.
27)  Do you have your very own make-up artist? - Very soon I shall.
28)  Have you ever been in any videos?  If so, name them.  - None.
29)  Have you ever been in a magazine?  If so, name them. - None.

30)  What's your back up plan if modeling doesn't work out? - Opening up a gluten-free, vegan/vegetarian bakery & restaurant that centers around old-fashioned recipes & pagan, new-age friendly.
31)  Have you ever dated a fan?  If so, how did it go?  - Does my husband count? ;P
32)  Who's your biggest fan? - My twin sister & hubby.
33)  Do you have any kids?  - If you count my fur-babies, yes.
34)  Do you ever wanna be on ANTM (America's next top model)? - I've always wanted to, but I'm a shorty.
35)  Which veteran model do you look up to? - Christy Turlington

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